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How do I sign in to employee access on ADP?Upon receipt of your welcome email from ADP, you will scroll to the bottom of the email and click on the button that says EMPLOYEE ACCESS. Once there, you will be redirected to your default browser and complete the setup process. You will need to enter the following when instructed to do so. -First Name -Last Name -Date of Birth -Phone Number Once you have entered that information and verified it with the information from your employer, you will create a username and password. Your login credentials are not provided to your employer or the firm. However, once complete, you will be asked to download the app, which is recommended. Within the app, you will have access to view your paystubs, make changes to your W4, and change your direct deposit information.
What do the different tax forms and report mean? Keep in mind not all forms mentioned pertain to everyone.W-2 > From your employer and Shows your gross salary, retirement plan contributions through payroll, taxable benefits from your employer, Social Security, and Medicare tax 1099-MISC > From a business that pays you as a self-employed individual and includes Income sources generally include rents, prizes and awards, fishing boat proceeds, nonqualified deferred, compensation. or other income payments 1099-NEC > If you work as an independent contractor (non-employee compensation for a business. 1099-INT > From your bank where you earn interest on your checking/savings 1099-DIV > From a bank or another financial institution where you have dividend income from stock holdings 1099-B > Shows any realized capital gains or losses that need to be reported 1099 Composite > If you have an after-tax brokerage account, you may receive a compiled 1099 that includes a 1099-INT, 1099-DIV, and your 1099-B 1099-S > Sale of real estate property - issued by the title company 1099-Q > Any distributions from a 529 or other Coverdell ESA account 1099-R > If you took distributions from a retirement account. These include IRAs, pension plans, qualified annuities, 401ks, and other employer sponsored retirement plans 5498 > After you file your tax return. For your own records to show contributions made to individual retirement accounts 1099-G > Income received from the state or government (state tax refund, unemployment income, workers compensation, family paid leave) 1098 > Shows the amount of mortgage interest you paid. 1098T > Shows the amount of tuition paid 1095 > Shows whether you were covered by a qualified healthcare plan during the year, for which months and which family members were covered. W-4 > Tells your employer how much tax to withhold from paycheck. W-4V > Tells Social Security to withhold tax from your SS check. 941 Tax > employment taxes related to payroll/wages, usually paid monthly but depended on employer size. 940 Tax > Federal unemployment tax related to payroll/wages, recorded/paid quarterly. K1 > Corporation tax
I received a call from DOT Compliance Group claiming my trucking DOT, MCS150 or Drug Compliance is expired.DOT Compliance Group is a company attempting to earn your business since USDOT information is public knowledge. Please disregard. If you believe your DOT, MCS150 or anything else is expired please contact me.
I received a text claiming that USDOT, MCS150, TXDOT is expired?The federal motor carrier and TXDMV will not text you updating you on expiration dates.
I need a copy of my tax return for any specific year that was filed with Donna's Income Tax & Bookkeeping?Copies can be purchased at $5 a tax return so long as your name is on the tax return in the event that Donna's Income Tax & Bookkeeping filed your taxes for the year you are requesting. Transcripts of filed tax returns can also be downloaded from the website.
My bank account has been levied by the IRS what do I do?The IRS would have sent you a notice regarding why your account has been frozen. To fix the issue you will probably need to catch up on all late tax returns and make a payment arragement.
I received a letter from the IRS that I have a balance due?Do not pay anything without first verifying that the IRS was indeed the department that sent you the letter. There are numerous scams and there has been numerous letters being sent out to taxpayers claiming a balance is due when in reality there is no such balance. You can check the website or come in.
I got a call from the IRS claiming I have a balance due.The IRS will NOT call you or email you demanding payment. The IRS will send a letter via USPS explaining the balance and what to do next.
How should I fill out my W4 at work?It is recommended that everyone have at least 10% be deducted on a paycheck or claim 0 dependents. Due to the recent design change on the W4 many people arent having the necessary taxes taken out of their check throughout the year which causes many people to have a balance to the IRS.
I only have a digital tax form do I need to get a paper form in order to file my income tax?A digital form will work just fine all I will ask that you email the tax form so I can print it
Can I claim my dog?Unless the animal is used in a business capacity such as a trained security dog or a breeder no you cant claim your dog
What software should I use to keep track of my income and expenses?Personally, I recommend Microsoft Money Home and Business to manage income and expenses. It is similar to Quickbooks however it is free. Cons to Money is that it only operates on Windows. Other options include Wave and Pocketsmith.
Can I pay myself, spouse or children?Self employed individuals are encouraged to pay themselves because it is a deduction on your tax return and in the event that the individual wants a personal loan; the bank will want to see what they made not the business. In the event that your spouse or children work for your business, yes you can pay them and that expense will benefit the business.
I am getting audited by the DOT what do I do?Come on in to the office with the information that the DOT provided to you regarding the audit and we can go from there. Many times you are the lucky one that got picked and they are just double checking. We will typically need VIN Numbers of equipment and IFTA reports if applicable.
How do I know if my MCS150 is still good?Your MCS150 and USDOT can be looked up via the FMCSA website. This website is public knowledge and will display company name, address, USDOT #, and expiration date and the reason why companies are able to reach you regarding your USDOT/MCS150.
I have a non-profit do I have to file a tax return?Yes, every non-profit needs to file a tax return called a 990 that needs to be made accessable to the public.
Why am I being charged a monthly fee for my ADP payroll?Wholesale payroll charges the firm about $60 a month to run all necesssary reports for your business whether you run payroll or not.
What do I need to file my sales tax?Typically all that is needed to file your State Comptroller Sales Tax is the total sales, total taxable sales and total non-taxable purchases collected for the period.
What is needed to file my TABC sales report?Depending on the type of license held by the business, mixed beverage gross receipts and possibility the retailer inventory will need to be files outside of the typical state comptroller sales tax.
How should I save all my expenses?For income tax purposes I would recommend saving expenses by category as listed in the Tax Prep Checklist.
I just started a trucking company where can I have the decals made?Vinyl decals and stickers can be printed with this firm. Attached is a link that showcases some of the work completed.
What is the timeframe for filing quarterly taxes?
I received a cash payment of over $10k; what do I do?Effective January 1, 2024, the recipient must electronically file Form 8300 within 15 days after cash transaction with FinCEN. chrome-extension://efaidnbmnnnibpcajpcglclefindmkaj/
Where is my tax refund?The IRS distributes refunds at their own pace once your tax return has been filed. Refunds can be tracked via the website with information from your tax return. Be aware that if the IRS issues your tax refund after April 15th interest will be applied and will need to be reported on the following tax years tax return.
How much does it cost to file my taxes?I charge based on the forms that I use to prepare your tax return. An accurate quote can be given once I see your tax forms.
How can I file my taxes even if I dont live near your office?I have clients from all over the United States. You can file your taxes with me in-person or remotely via email, fax, or mail. Paperwork will be mailed to with instructions.
How can I pay for my services?I accept payment in the form of checks, cash, and credit cards. Please note that income tax refunds processed electronically are exempt from this rule because fees are deducted from the refund amount. Payment plans may be available at the discretion the preparer. However, if no payment plan is in place, processed paperwork will not be released until the balance on your account is paid in full. No payment plan will be accepted for clients that fail to pay entire balance. Beginning January 1, 2024 10% interest will be added to 30 day late invoices and continue to be added monthly until paid off.
Can I get an estimate or quote?Yes you can get a free estimate to see how much you'd receive. Payment isn't due unless I submit your return. An estimate can be provided for other services however such estimates are only valid for 3 months.
I finished my identity verification process, but I haven't received my refund yet?While you have completed the identity verification process, the release of your refund is ultimately determined by the IRS. Typically, refunds are issued after April 18th and may include interest. If there are any issues with your account, the IRS will send you a letter, which you should keep for future tax purposes. Unfortunately, there is no way for me to expedite the process. However, you can track the progress of your refund on the IRS.GOV website.
I need a 3rd party to gain access to my tax forms. What type of permission needs to be given for Donna's Income Tax & Bookkeeping to send the forms to my 3rd party for me?Tax returns can be requested using the request form. However it is important to keep in mind that once paperwork is released, Donna's Income Tax & Bookkeeping isn't responsible for the use of the information.
I need my tax return to file my FASFAFASFA opens every October for the following school year. The FASFA website allows tax returns to be pulled directly from the IRS website via a retrieval tool so long as you have a parent FSA ID and password. Be aware that people under the age of 24 are still provided aid based on their parents income unless they are married, serving in the armed forces, emancipated or a ward of the state. The main categories needed to complete the form include net income or both parents if applicable. If a hard copy of your tax return is needed for the financial aid office a copy can be provided for $10 or a transcript can be downloaded for free via the website.
Did the Child Tax Credit increase for tax year 2023?As of November 6, 2023 the child tax credit regulations for the tax year 2023 has not been released.
Did the Earned Income Tax Credit increase for tax year 2023?Earned income tax credit is a refunable tax credit that helps low earning taxpayers reduce the amount of tax owed by a dollar to dollar basis. Below is a chart from the IRS website detailing the comparison between the last few years AGI and maximum EITC that could be applied.
I had my tax return mailed. Is there any kind of tracking?We use USPS to handle all packages. Shipping is free to clients and all tracking information is saved for 60 days. We ask that you provide a good email address and phone number so that way tracking is sent to you once postage is paid.
When can I start filing my taxes?For tax year 2023, filers can start e- filing their taxes January 29, 2023.
I received a tax form from a casino, do I need it for my income tax?Yes, you need to keep that form for your taxes because your winnings and losses (if applicable) need to be reported on your income taxes.
What is the 1095A?The 1095A tax form is receipt that a taxpayer had marketplace health insurance. It is needed to file your tax return even if you didnt use the insurance.
Can I claim the child tax credit even when I dont have any income?No, the child tax credit is not like the stimulus.
I already filed my taxes and forgot to include a W2/1099 what do I do?An amended return will need to be filed to include all the income.
My child's parent passed away what should I do to supplement the lost income?Children under the age of 18 are entitled to Social Security Survivor benefits for the loss of a parent. Signing your child up for these benefits should supplement some of the lost income.
I mailed my tax return is there anyway to track the progress?All tax returns are mailed priority mail to the IRS. Clients phone numbers are entered into the system and progress of the parcel is texted to them. Tracking can also be conducted on the
I would like to send Donna a tax form, how do I do that?All submissions and communication can be completed via the Spaces by Wix app for members and via the chat function on the website.
Can I change the information on my tax return?A taxpayer can amend tax returns for the past 3 years from the current tax return.
Do I need to file the Beneficial Ownership Information Report (BOI)?Starting January 1, 2024 every business that has filed documentation with the Secretary of State needs to file the BOI report unless exempt. Find out more
I plan to start a business in 2024, do I need to file a BOI report?New businesses that are formed on or after January 1, 2024 must file their BOI report within 30 days.
I have an existing business, do I have to file the BOI report?Yes established businesses must file a BOI starting January 1, 2024. However this report must be completed no later than December 31, 2024.
Do I have to file a new BOI report if business owners changed?Any changes made to the business must be updated within 30 days of change.
What happens if I don't file the BOI report?Penalty for failure to file the BOI report for qualifying business includes a felony with up to 2 years in prison, a civil fine of up to $500 for each day of the violation and/or up to $10,000 criminal fines.
Are there any exemptions from filing the BOI report?Yes there are 23 exemptions from filing the BOI report. Visit to learn if your company is exempt.
What is the purpose of the Beneficial Ownership Information report?The BOI report notifies the U.S Department of Treasury who owns 25% or more interest in a company either directly or indirectly.
What are the reporting requirments regarding filing a BOI report?Please visit the compliance guide below to learn all the reporting requirements.
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